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Trump Cars Rollback is a Dangerous Mess

Source: Fleet Management Weekly

NRDC Expert Blog: Luke Tonachel, Director for Clean Vehicles and Fuels, Natural Resources Defense Council

When the Trump administration proposed its ridiculous rollback of clean car standards in 2018, it pretended that the increased costs for drivers at the pump, the loss of jobs and devastating pollution impacts were worth it because of some safety benefits.

It was clear from day one that analysis was done in bad faith and just plain wrong. Now, as it moves to finalize that regulation, the administration is bowing to reality. In a strange plot twist, the administration is now acknowledging that its reworked rule (one that some continue to pretend is “dialed back”) won’t save lives, will increase costs for drivers at the pump and may lead to even more carbon pollution than its original plan.

But, in its unstoppable ineptitude, the administration is still working on issuing the rule.

Read the NRDC blog

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