Q. If I have received an acceptance packet, does that mean I'm definitely enrolled in a group rating program?
A. No. The Bureau of Workers' Compensation is the final authority when determining if a company is qualified for a group rating program. As group administrator, CCI may also remove any company due to misrepresentation of information, such as mergers, acquisitions, PEO Status or other items omitted from the Lost Time Claim Disclosure and Group Rating Disclosure forms included with their packet. CCI reserves the right to remove any individual group participant whose history may ultimately have a detrimental impact on the group as a whole, up to the BWC final group enrollment deadline of February 28, 2002.
Q. In order to participate in the program, do I have to become a member of the-
Midwest Automotive Parts & Service Association?
A. Yes. Workers' Compensation law and the BWC require that all group rating participants be a member of the group rating program's sponsoring organization. If you are not currently a member of the sponsoring organization, you must become one in order to participate in this program. Please contact the sponsoring organization for membership information.
Q. Can the BWC reject a company from participating in a group rating program?
A. Yes. The BWC has qualification requirements which companies must meet to enroll in a group rating program. Some of these qualifications include
• Being current on all undisputed premiums, administrative costs, assessments, fines or money due any fund administered by the BWC
• Not participating in a part-pay agreement at the time the application for group rating is due
• No cumulative lapses in workers' compensation coverage of 59 days in the past 18 months preceding the application deadline
• Being in active status on the first day of the policy year for group rating
Q. I have received the 54% dividend credit from the BWC on my last few payroll reports. Why would I want to enroll in a group rating program when I already receive a huge discount?
A. The group rating discount you receive reduces your premium BEFORE the 54% dividend credit is ever applied, creating double savings. Plus, according to the BWC, there is NO guarantee that the dividend credits will continue. Don't let chance take control of your bottom line. If the discounts should end, your premium will increase 300% from the amount you currently pay with the discount.
Q. Are the savings and payroll amount listed on my Group Analysis exact?
A. No. The enclosed Group Analysis is based on your company's payroll figures received from the BWC and its projected workers' compensation experience for the year beginning July 1, 2014. This projection is made on the assumption that all qualifed frms which have applied will participate in the plan. These numbers can only be estimates, since the actual rates for the 2014/2015 year will not be published until July 2013.
Q. I have already joined another group rating program for next year, can I still switch to a CCI program?
A. Yes. We can accept applications until February 18, 2002. If you have already joined another group and would like to join a CCI group instead, contact us immediately and we will discuss this transition.
Q. Can I enroll in more than one group rating program?
A. No. The BWC does not permit a company to belong to more than one workers' compensation group rating program.
Q. Is there any scenario in which group rating would not benefit my company?
A. Yes. One of these scenarios would be if your total net premium savings projection is less than $500 and no growth in payroll is anticipated.