Membership Benefits
We are here to serve you - our members.
Your MAPSA membership opens up many money-saving and time-saving opportunities for your company. We have negotiated with various service providers, using the volume purchasing power of our members, to provide business vendors that will support our members and save you time, money or both.
MAPSA is YOUR local industry trade association where together we are doing things as a group that could not be done individually.
Review this list of opportunities below to be certain you are getting all you can get from your MAPSA membership.
Many members find that the savings from these programs far exceeds their cost of membership! Often, when you areenjoying a benefit program you are also returning your support and giving back to your industry.
If you have a question, concern, or request just let us know. The MAPSA offices may be reached via phone (614/777-7373 or 800/486-6292), e-mail (, or Internet at
For an immediate response e-mail today.
Credit Card Processing
Superior Financial Services (SFS) “Partners” with their clients to help reduce the overall cost of credit card processing. SFS’s system has shown amazing results with other automotive jobbers around the country.
SFS is a UNIQUE credit card processor. They have created a special merchant services package that is not offered elsewhere. Through premium customer relations, they will work with your company to effectively remove the surcharges from your merchant account statement. The net result will be a significant savings, delivered through minimal surcharges and lower rates.
Several MAPSA members have already signed on with SFS and have received considerable decreases in their processing fees.
SFS was formerly know to our membership as Qualified Processing Services (QPS). here is a line from their press release-
Superior Financial Systems is pleased to announce the formal consolidation of our two offices, Qualified Processing Services with Superior Financial Systems. On December 31st, 2013, Superior Financial Systems will take over the marketing and first level support currently managed under the QPS brand. With this move, SFS will finalize the merger of both QPS and SFS, and market under the SFS name solely.
To learn more about this program just give the MAPSA office a call at 800-486-6292 or
You may also visit SFS’s website by Clicking Here.
Also information or references can be requested via email at
MAPSA / SuperFleet Fueling Program
Now save up to 5 Cents per gallon through your association
Pool your monthly gasoline consumption with other MAPSA members and save on all fuel purchases from Speedway SuperFleet.
Call MAPSA today & join in on the savings!
- 5¢ per gallon off on fuel at any of the 2,700+ Speedway locations nationwide
- Cash pricing within the Comdata trucking network
- Added convenience of fueling at over 175,000 locations nationwide that accept MasterCard
- Earn Speedy rewards points while using your SuperFleet MasterCard at all Speedway locations
- Set card controls and access detailed reporting online anytime
- Online Account Management
- Competitive Pricing/Quality Products
For more details give the MAPSA office a call today
Electric & Gas Service Discount
Electricity & Gas Service Discount
IGS Energy offers group purchasing rates to MAPSA member businesses for electricity supply.
IGS Energy is a private energy company that serves more than 1 million homes and businesses nationwide, offering traditional and sustainable technologies and services, including renewable electricity, carbon-neutral natural gas, solar energy systems, and other energy-efficiency products. The company is committed to a sustainable energy future and focuses on customizing products to fit customers’ needs. The belief in Conscious Capitalism and a purpose beyond profit prioritizes the needs of IGS Energy’s customers, employees and the planet.
How it works:
Thanks to energy deregulation, you can opt to purchase your electricity from a supplier, such as IGS Energy. Your current utility will still deliver the commodity to your business. The bill(s) will come from your utility, but IGS Energy will be listed as the supplier.
IGS Energy is committed to saving MAPSA member businesses both time and money. We provide custom pricing and the power of group purchasing that allows you to lock in a great rate on your electricity costs. To get started, simply contact MAPSA’s dedicated energy representative, Ernie Edgell.
Ernie Edgell
- 659-5898
MAPSA Workers' Compensation Savings Program
Your organization can significantly reduce your OH workers’ compensation costs through a variety of alternative rating programs. Our program, administered by Sedgwick, offers you quality service and stability through the complex workers’ compensation environment.
For over 50 years, Sedgwick has been helping employers navigate Ohio’s workers’ compensation system, providing services to help them control claim-related costs and reduce premiums. Our team includes the experienced colleagues from CompManagement and CareWorks Comp. The two companies merged and are now Sedgwick. Together, we serve nearly 65,000 Ohio employers including organizations of all sizes operating in various industries across the state. Group rating programs administered by Sedgwick have produced over $4 billion in savings since group rating was introduced in 1991, and their group retrospective programs have returned over $630 million in premium refunds since the program began in 2009.
Julia Bowling | Business Development Manager
Dublin, OH
CELL 513.218.4062
EMAIL | Caring counts®
Workers' Comp Managed Care Organazation
MAPSA's Approved Managed Care Organization for Workers' Comp medical management is Sedgwick Managed Care Ohio.
Sedgwick Managed Care Ohio (MCO) is a workers’ compensation managed care organization focused on helping injured employees return to work safely and quickly. We provide seamless solutions to support employees throughout their recovery and help clients control expenses and reduce lost workdays.
Sedgwick MCO was formed when CareWorks of Ohio and CompManagement Health Systems (CHS) merged. CareWorks and CHS have been providing tailored managed care services for decades, and have extensive experience guiding Ohio employers and injured employees through the managed care process.
When a workplace injury occurs, we focus on getting employees back to work, lowering medical bills and managing the overall process for employers. From day one, we work to ensure the medical aspects of each claim are organized and we develop a clear, customized return to work plan. We have the expertise and resources employers need, and our reach ensures we know their communities and providers. Our high customer satisfaction level and overall performance results are driven by our communication and thoughtful focus on medical resolution and return to work.
Julia Bowling | Business Development Manager
Dublin, OH
CELL 513.218.4062
EMAIL | Caring counts®
2024 Calendar Program
MAPSA offers a complete calendar program. Celebrate the year 2024 by getting your message into the home and offices of your customers…daily. Calendars are effective. Calendars are used where buying decisions are made: on the job, in the office, on the road, or at home. 65% of all calendar recipients write appointments/reminders on their calendar. This daily involvement keeps your advertising sign working all day, every day. Support your Association and order your calendar needs from MAPSA each year. For further information email us at
- Download Calendar Flyer - 2024 Mapsa Calendar Brochure
- Download Order Form- 2024 Mapsa Calendar Pricesheet
MAPSA Business Insurance
The MAPSA Board of Directors has voted to recommend Federated Mutual Insurance Company as the recommended carrier for property and casualty insurance. Federated's excellent coverage and commitment to risk management support are a powerful combination. In addition, you have the potential for a dividend if loss experience in our recommended program warrants.
Plastic Bags Flyer
MAPSA can help you do away with the old bag for your customer's parts orders. Plastic bags are cheaper and look better. In addition to small, medium, and large bags (the medium and large bags can be customized)...MAPSA also has cylinder head, crankshaft, and heavy duty engine bags. Also, MAPSA can now offer you medium and large handle bags. Plastic bags are superior because:
- They tear easily from hanger
- They are stronger than paper sacks
- Handier than boxes
- Also reusable and recyclable
Click Here For Plastic Bag Flyer Order Form-
Phone or email the MAPSA office for further information.
MAPSA Financial Services
The Midwest Automotive Parts and Service Association and Morgan Stanley have joined forces to provide an extensive array of new financial products and services to MAPSA members. Morgan Stanley's central focus is working with associations and they look forward to being of service to MAPSA members in the future. To reach an advisor at Morgan Stanley phone either (800) 247-6153 or (614) 460-2627 and ask for Jim Mitchell or visit the online at
Suite 2700
Columbus, OH 43215
toll-free: (800) 659-0660
fax: (614) 229-4990
MAPSA Business Forms & Business Services
Computer Forms & Supplies-
The Midwest Automotive Parts & Service Association is your first and logical source for computer forms of all types and for all systems. We offer Point of Sale and Statement Forms for many systems including NAPA, CCI/Triad, J-Con, and ICAS.. Before you are ready to re-order from the supplier you are now using, give MAPSA a try! We also have ribbons and other supplies available. Ask for a quote at-
Miscellaneous Business Forms-
MAPSA also offers you a long list of miscellaneous forms in small quantities at exceptionally low prices. Many of these forms can be crash imprinted with your company name and address at a minimum cost. Forms available include:
- Speedy Reply Forms
- Purchase Orders
- Credit Memos (2 & 3 Pt)
- 8 1/2 x 11 (2 & 3 PT)
- Machine Shop Forms
- Merchandise Identification Tags
(Pink-Warranty) - Returned Goods Memos
- Statements
- Shipping Tags
- Core Control Forms & Stickers
- Separation of Employment Forms
- Sales Tax Exemption Certificates
- Claim Checks (2-PT)
Envelope Service-
MAPSA offers its members #10 and #6 3/4 Envelopes (both regular and window), plus #9 and #6 1/4 Return or Business Reply Envelopes, at prices considerably lower than they could obtain these envelopes individually. In some instances, our prices are half the prices previously paid. These envelopes may be ordered at any time during the year and delivery is three to four weeks after receipt of order.
Valuable Core Stickers-
Cores are like money in the bank. Keep control of them with Valuable Core Stickers. These stickers come in rolls of 1,000 ready to be peeled off and placed on boxes containing rebuilt items. They'll help you get your valuable cores back.
Employment and Credit Applications-
Every automotive wholesaler should use a formal employment application when hiring new employees. MAPSA provides these employment applications as another membership service.
A simplified credit form is also offered to MAPSA members at a nominal cost.
Time Clocks-
MAPSA now makes available to its members, the finest time clocks sold, the Latham line of time recorders. We also sell blank time cards for your use.
Price-Marking Guns-
More and more MAPSA members are doing more and more retail business. To help you price your merchandise clearly and quickly, we're offering our members price-marking guns. Contact your MAPSA office for complete information on these easy-to-handle price-marking guns.
Store Fixtures-
With the trend to more retail sales by most automotive jobbers....MAPSA is making available to it's members all types of display fixtures. These fixtures will allow you to display your merchandise in the most advantageous way for the benefit of your walk-in trade. You'll save on fixtures through MAPSA. We also have shelving, bins, fact, everything needed to set up a complete store.
Mystery Shopping & Sales Training Program
The MAPSA Mystery Shopping and Sales Training Program will be administered by Creative Sales Solutions. The Florida-based company will work with participating MAPSA members to provide customer service and sales training for parts and service personnel. As a mystery shopping and sales training company, CSS has mystery shopped thousands of parts employees around the country.
The program involves mystery shopping calls to member companies. These calls evaluate how parts and service employees interact with customers. Learn how your employees can Ask for the Order! 83.8% of our industry’s employees failed to ask for the order when they were mystery shopped.
"CSS has agreed to mystery shop up to three employees for each association member at no charge," says Gary Murdock, President, of the MAPSA. "This offer will give MAPSA members the opportunity to learn free of charge how some of their parts and service people score when compared to the successful employees mystery shopped and trained by CSS."
Discount Shipping
As the largest online freight broker in the nation, FREIGHTQUOTE offers the ideal combination of dedicated service and U.S. Patented, solutions-driven technology. When MAPSA members ship with us you’re shipping with confidence knowing we provide a fast, easy transaction backed by professionals who get the job done. No matter how much freight you need to move, where you need to move it or where its final destination is, our exclusive suite of solutions makes it simple.
MAPSA Labor Law Posters
The MAPSA office receives calls several times a year concerning the Federal & State labor law posters. Many of these posters are required, some are just recommended. As you will remember, in the past we have sold the 4-in-one and the 5-in-one Federal posters. These posters are out of print until there is a major change in one of the laws.
But, it seems that your companies are solicited continually to purchase new posters. All of them are available free on the internet in PDF format. So to make it easy for you, we've added a new section to the MAPSA website to house all of these links. Simply click on the link below, download the posters, print them, and then post for your employees to read. Click here to see poster page-
Sales tax on Cores Information
For some time jobbers have been uncertain as to whether or not they should charge Ohio sales tax on core deposits. This MAPSA bulletin spells out the jobber's responsibility with regard to sales tax on core deposits on retail sales. Ohio sales tax must be charged on these sales! A sales tax on cores poster is also available for display at your counter.
MAPSA Group Health Insurance Plan
Midwest Automotive Parts & Service Association (MAPSA) has selected to assist MAPSA members with their health insurance and other employee benefits needs. MAPSA has extensively explored the health insurance and benefits marketplace in response to needs expressed by members. As the health insurance market continues to contract, members are seeking cost-effective solutions to employee benefits to maintain a high-quality workforce.
With over 25 years of experience, is a second-generation, family-run, Strategic Planning, Transparency, & CARE firm that specializes in employee benefits, administration, and human resources solutions and provides services to hundreds of employer clients and thousands of participants throughout the country. is committed to optimization through cost-containment and efficiencies, all while improving the lives of its clients’ most important assets – their employees. To learn more, visit
Promotional Merchandise and Branded Material
MAPSA is going to offer the members access to hundreds of promotional merchandise products and branded apparel at great prices. The member has the ability to brand each product with their own logo and corporate info. Browse our online catalogs at the website:
Each month there will be specials sold at "End Quantity Pricing." Buy the minimum and get the max quantity price. Make sure to stop by the website every month to see what’s new. These items will make great giveaways or Christmas gifts for your customers. Try the site out today!
Credit Union
MAPSA members are eligible for membership in the Wright-Patt Credit Union. Some of the benefits of the credit union are Share Accounts, Draft Accounts, an ATM Card, 24 Hour Account Balance Access, Loans, and a Mastercard or Visa Charge Card.
Be Car Care Aware